Take a look into the fascinating Biblical timeline of History found within the Bible, from the date of creation to the end of time discovered by the late Harold Camping, as God had allowed him to, by unsealing His Word at the time of the end. This vibrant, interactive graph will show key Biblical events, such as the creation date, when the flood occured, the Exodus, and the laying of Solomon's temple foundation, and so much more.
You'll click on the numbered boxes to uncover the incredible truths behind these dates, all discovered through meticulous study of the Bible. You'll see just how precise and detailed the Author of the Bible is, the Almighty God.
It's a matter of determining if we should count the year of the flood as one of the two years mentioned.
Since God doesn’t specify that here, so we have to search it out to find an example of how God would count it.
Here’s how we can prove what God means, by saying two years “after the flood”. God uses the same language here with Noah.
Genesis 9:28 ¶ And Noah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years.
If we assume the starting point is at the End of Flood as would be naturally to assume, since it says "after", Noah’s total Age would be 601 + 350, = 951 Years
951 would however be incorrect because of the following verse.
Genesis 9:29 And all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years: and he died.
Which means we must assume the starting point is the Beginning point of Flood, or another way to put it, we'd count the year of the flood as one of those years= Noah’s Age 600 at beginning of flood+ 350 = 950
The same would apply to Shem. He was 100 years old, two years after the starting point of the flood, not the ending point of the flood.
Which means he was 98 at the time of the flood. (100 - 2 = 98)
Beginning Point of Flood
Noah = 600 Yrs old
Shem = 98 Yrs old
Since we know both Noah’s Age and Shem’s age at the beginning point of the flood, we just have to minus Noah’s Age (600) from Shem’s Age (98) and this will give us the age Noah was, when Shem was born.
600 - 98 = 502
Noah was 502 years old when Shem was born.
You can also take what their ages were two years after the flood and minus them. 602 - 100 = 502. Either way works.
0 + 130 + 105 + 905 + 910 +895 + 962 + 365 + 969 + 182 + 502 = 5925
Earth's Age: 5925
B.C: -5088
What is a TImeline Patriarch?
A Timeline Patriarch is someone who God gives us the information of the year when they we're born and the year that they died. Cain, Abel and Seth were all immediate sons of Adam yet God only gives us the birth and death year of Seth but not of Cain or Abel. Thus making Seth a Timeline Patriarch. There are a few non - timeline patriarchs where God gives us their birth and death years. however this information is not necessary to progress on the timeline to discover the earth's age, visually you'll see why on the timeline. We'll label these as non- patriarchs.
List Of Patriarchs
1. Adam
2. Seth
3. Enos
4. Cainan
5. Mahalaleel
6. Jared
7. Enoch
8. Methuselah
9. Lamech
10. Noah
11. Shem
12. Arphaxad
13. Salah
14. Eber
15. Peleg
16. Reu
17. Serug
18. Nahor
19. Terah
20. Abraham
21. Issac
22. Jacob
23. Levi
24. Kohath
25. Amram
26. Aaron
★ = Qara Sem Used - Immediate Father/Son (7x)
★ = No Qara Sem - Still Immediate Father/Son (2x)
No Star = No Qara Sem - Descendant (17x)
God used a man by the name of Harold Camping (1921 -2013) to discover the Biblical timeline of History.
"Qara (H7121 ) Sem (H8034)" is the key phrase that he discovered to understand whether a timeline Patriarch was an immediate Son, or a descendant, such as a grandson, or great grandson.
For example in Matthew 22:42, Jesus is called the "Son of David." If we we're to take this verse at face value, we could easily conclude that David's immediate Son was Jesus, and that would mean Jesus was on earth when David was ruling as King.
Obviously that can't be true, which means we can’t take that verse at face value but must search for the deeper or hidden meaning. We know Jesus was not an immediate son of King David, but came from the lineage of David. While that may seem obvious, most Christians (particularly those in the churches) are trained to only look at the surface layer of the Bible, and to not dig for truth. In this case, they are forced to have to look deeper, or the verse wouldn’t make sense, nor harmonize with the rest of scripture.
In the case of the timeline patriarchs we find an identical situation.
Let’s take a look at these two verses here.
Genesis 5:6 And Seth lived an hundred and five years, and begat Enos:
Genesis 5:9 And Enos lived ninety years, and begat Cainan:
Both verses look similar. If we were take them both at face value, we’d have to conclude that Seth was indeed 105 when he begat Enos, and Enos was indeed 90 years when he begat Cainan. However we’ll discover that in Genesis 5:6 Enos was indeed born right away when Seth was 105, but the same is NOT true for Cainan. Cainan was NOT born right away when Enos was 90 years old.
The way we know this is because of the following verse.
Genesis 4:26 And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he
Called his name (Qara Sem) Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the LORD.
Mr Camping realized that God would use the phrase “Called His Name” (with only some of the patriarchs, but not all. He wondered why? He understood God was teaching that anytime this phrase was used in a verse, it’s an immediate Father/Son relationship. Whereas when it’s not used, it’s a descendant. Such as a Grandson, Great Grandson, etc. (There are two exceptions to this, that will get into later)
He also understood that if someone was not an immediate son, that “Called His Name” (Qara Sem) was NOT used. That mean't the only place to place their birth year was the same year, the previous patriarch died. So in the case of Enos and Cainan. We place Cainan the year Enos dies. This is done for each patriarch that is not an immediate son.
Note: The Qara Sem rule applies to the timeline patriarch's, but not necessarily in general throughout the Bible. Also there are two exceptions to this rule for the patriarchs. Noah to Shem, Terah to Abraham. In both cases Qara Sem is not used, however there is Biblical evidence to support a immediate Father/Son Relationship. Whereas with all other timeline patriarchs where Qara Sem is not used, there is no evidence that indicates they lived at the same time.
i.e Shem, Ham Japheth were all on the ark along with Noah, which means Shem was an immediate Son to Noah (Genesis 7:13). Terah was alive alongside Abraham. (Genesis 11:31)
Qara Sem Conclusion:
Qara Sem Is Used = Immediate SON
Qara Sem Is NOT Used = Grandson, Great Grandson, etc)
To calculate the age of the Earth, we'll start with the creation of Adam, who came into existence in the same year as the Earth itself – Year 0. The most straightforward approach to calculate the Earth's age involves calculating the time span from the birth year of each successive patriarch. From Birth to Birth.
The starting point of each patriarch's birth is at the beginning of each light blue segment on the timeline. In essence, we use birth years as the starting points and progress from one birth year to the next. For instance, from the year of Adam's creation to the year of Seth's birth, there is a span of 130 years. Thus, we establish that the Earth is 130 years old at that juncture in time.
Subsequently, from the birth of Seth to the birth of Enos, a span of 105 years transpires. By summing up these periods of 130 and 105, we arrive at 235, the current age of the Earth. As the pattern continues, each patriarch's birth year extends the timeline further, with Enos's birth year to Cainan's birth year spanning 905 years. Therefore, the cumulative sum so far is 130, 105, and 905 and that equals 1140 years. The succession of patriarchs progressively propels us along the Biblical Timeline of History.
Understanding No Year Zero
Proper way to count mathematically
Improper way to count, but how Modern day Gregorian Calendar works
E.A. = Earth's Age
B.C. = Before Christ
A.D. = Anno Domini
How to convert B.C. Year to E.A. Year (Earth's Age).
11,013 B.C- 4990 B.C.= 6023 E.A. (Flood Date)
11,013 B.C- 1447 B.C. = 9566 E.A. (Exodus Date)
How to convert A.D. Year to E.A. Year (Earth's Age).
11,013 B.C+ 2011 A.D. - 1 (no year zero in Gregorian Calendar) = 13,023 E.A. (Judgment Day)
11,013 B.C+ 33 A.D. - 1 (no year zero in Gregorian Calendar) = 11,045 E.A. (Cross/Easter)