eBibleFellowship is hosting an upcoming conference from Friday June 21, 22 & 23. Please fill out the form below if you'd like to attend so we know how much food & materials to bring. Please list the total count of people coming with you, spouse, children, friends, etc, so we can get an exact count. Also if you'd like a copy of EBF's new book "The Judgment Reign of Jesus Christ over the earth", check that option.
EBF 2024 Summer Bible Conference Schedule
Friday June 21st
10:15 AM Announcements/Hymn/Scripture reading by Harry & Guy
11:00 AM Raymond Balchi Bible study
12:00 - 12:15 PM Snack & Coffee break
12:15 PM Chris McCann Bible study-Hell Comes to Earth
11:15 PM Coffee Break
1:30 PM Hymn/Tony domestic tract trips presentation
2:30 PM Dinner
4:30 PM Edwin Ramos study
15:30 PM Hymn /EBF Open Forum/ Closing prayer
Saturday June 22nd
10:15 AM Announcements/hymn/Scripture reading-Harry/Guy
11:00 AM Bobby Sibi Bible study
12:00 - 12:15 PM Snack & Coffee break
12:15 PM Chris McCann Bible study-Hell Comes to Earth #2
1:15 PM Coffee Break
1:30 PM Hymn/ EBF Open Forum
2:30 PM Dinner
4:30 PM Hymn/Robert Daniels study #1 Bible study
5:30 PM Closing prayer
Sunday June 23rd
10:15 Announcements/hymn/Scripture reading-Harry/Guy
11:00 AM Robert Daniels Bible study #2
12:00 PM Hymn
12:10 PM Chris McCann Bible study-Hell Comes to Earth #3
1:20 to 1:30 PM Snacks & Coffee break
1:30 PM EBF Open Forum
2:30 PM Lunch
4:30 PM Hymn & Edwin Ramos Bible study #2 & Closing prayer
Scranton, PA – Friday August 30th, Saturday 31st.
You can write to info@eBiblefelloship.org to sign up or fill out the form below.
Please fill out the form below
Enter Viritual Day In The Word Meeting →
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: 6:00 PM- 7:00 PM ET
Wed: 1:00 PM- 2:00 PM ET (NEW TIME*)
Sun: 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM ET
Take a look into the Biblical timeline of history found within the Bible, from the date of creation to the end of time, discovered by the late Harold Camping, as God had allowed him to, by unsealing His Word at the time of the end. This interactive graph will show key Biblical events, such as the creation date, when the flood occurred, the exodus, the laying of Solomon's temple foundation, and others.
You'll click on the numbered boxes to uncover the truths behind these dates, all discovered through meticulous study of the Bible. You will see just how precise and detailed the Author of the Bible is, the Almighty God.
eBibleFellowship has continued to go on international tract trips to various nations after May 21, 2011, to follow God's command to "Feed My Sheep" with all the new teachings that are coming forth from the Bible.
Mouse over the map pins to see the different countries we have visited so far and click on them to hear reports of those trips.
E Bible Fellowship was named for the following reasons:
Electronic:We believe that the Lord has used the electronic medium (radio, internet, etc.) in a tremendous way to save a great multitude of people outside of the churches and congregations of the world. Now the task at hand is to, “feed His sheep” so that all those God has saved will be edified with the Gospel.
The Bible is our authority. No man made confession, or creed, or doctrinal statement of any kind has any authority above the Bible. We are living at a time when the Bible is being highly exalted by God. The Word of God is supreme in all it declares.
We are a fellowship of believers whose desire is to have fellowship with God through His Word. The Bible teaches us that the church age has come to an end; therefore, we have no affiliation or identification with any church or denomination of any kind. Thank you for visiting.
1 John 1:3 That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.
Upcoming Tracting Event. Click to see form
August 27, 2023
10:00 AM- Announcements/Opening Prayer – Harry
10:10 AM- Scripture Reading/Prayer – Guy Berry
10:20 AM- Introduce 1st Hymn & Speaker Harry
10:25 AM- Hymn
10:30 AM- 1st Bible Study – Robert Daniels
11:30 AM- Introduce 2nd Hymn & Speaker / Harry
11:35 AM- Hymn
11:45 AM- 2nd Bible Study – Chris McCann
12:45 PM- Lunch break
1:45 PM- Introduce 3rd Hymn & Speaker / Harry
1:50 PM- Hymn
1:55 PM- 3rd Bible Study – Edwin Ramos
3:00 PM - Closing Prayer /Introduce Open Forum/ Harry
3:05 PM- Open Forum
4:30 PM- DITW concludes
Scranton, PA – Friday August 30th, Saturday 31st.
You can write to info@eBiblefelloship.org to sign up or fill out the form below.
Please fill out the form below